Characteristic Of YELLOW LIGHT OF DEATH (YLOD) And How To prevent It On PS3

Monday, November 28, 2011

YELLOW LIGHT OF DEATH or yellow light of death ps3 is the problem most feared by PS3 gamers in the world. PS3 YLOD occur due to overheating or excessive heat and damage the main components of the ps3.

YLOD characteristics:
- Fans spin harder than usual.
- When turned on, the red light-green-yellow-red.
- The image is broken (due to the graphics processor that is not normal)
- Hangs the system menu (system error)
- The most severe level of your machine can not be played at all,

To avoid additional system provide cooling fan [HIGH SPEED] on your ps3. The market offers many different types of cooling fan but can not cope with excessive heat in the ps3 with an affordable price. Indeed fan noise louder than normal standard, but the components inside your ps3 will stay cool. So can not cause the occurrence of YLOD.


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